Friday, March 18, 2011

Framed Name Art!

I got this idea from another blog I’ve been following, Lil Blue Boo. She is great at art and sewing projects! When I stumbled on this particular project I thought it would be an awesome and thoughtful idea for a baby shower present. I used her exact instructions check them out here
I  recommend buying the frames at Tuesday Morning. They are nice and very inexpensive! And if you don’t want a formal matted look consider using a t-shirt frame (they were on sale at Michaels for $5.99) Standard scrapbook paper fits just right as backing and there are tons of styles and colors.
This project is for my friend Lisa that is having a baby boy next month. I’m still a work in progress on perfecting this project but I’m pleased with the results!
My supplies

Found a cute font and printed it then traced the name using tracing paper.

Directly on the tracing paper I drew the transportation theme
Painted the background color

Then I used transfer paper to transfer the image

Let the painting begin

Once its all painted trace the outline with a black paint pen
Then frame


Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Power of Spray Paint

I have been slowing decorating my office. I wish it was like the tv shows where the room is transformed in one day but unfortunately that's not realistic for me. Mostly because I like to buy things slowly and take my time to find great deals on sale. We came across a friend (Thanks David!) giving away an old filing cabinet from his place of work. As you can see its standard beige office decor.....yuk! But of course we could not pass up a free filing cabinet that we desperately need. So this is where the power of a can of spray paint takes charge. We went to the hardware store and found a color that resembled cherry wood and it was as simple as that! For the handles I just painted them with some extra black paint I had.
Check out the before and after.......


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stew for You!

This is an easy “set and forget” recipe sent to me from my good friend Celina. We both share the love of soups and stews. So I will be making this very soon! Celina also recommends making a large portion in order to have lunch meals for the week. Which is great way to have a tasty lunch and save money!
Thanks Celina!

Cut a lean 2 lb roast into 1x1 cubes
Add a whole bag of baby carrots
1 whole onion
4 stalks of chopped celery
1 lb of  cubed baby red potatoes
If you like it spicy 2 whole jalapenos
Mix McCormick Stew mix, water and set in crock pot for about 4 hrs.
